2010年3月8日 星期一

(轉載) Ooo Basic 將 data 抄至另一 SpreadSheet


REM ***** BASIC *****

'Copy and paste a range using the clipboard.
'The first example sent to me selects cells in a spreadsheet and then pastes them into a different spreadsheet.
'Author: Ryan Nelson
'email: ryan@aurelius-mfg.com
'Modified By: Christian Junker and Andrew Pitonyak
'This macro copies a range and pastes it into a new or existing spreadsheet.
Sub CopyPasteRange()

Dim oSourceDoc, oSourceSheet, oSourceRange
Dim oTargetDoc, oTargetSheet, oTargetCell
Dim oDisp, octl
Dim sUrl As String
Dim NoArg()

REM Set source doc/currentController/frame/sheet/range.
octl = oSourcedoc.getCurrentController()
oSourceframe = octl.getFrame()
oSourceSheet= oSourceDoc.Sheets(0)
oSourceRange = oSourceSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0,0,100,10000)

REM create the DispatcherService
oDisp = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")

REM select source range

REM copy the current selection to the clipboard.
oDisp.executeDispatch(octl, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, NoArg())

REM open new spreadsheet.
sURL = "private:factory/scalc"
oTargetDoc = Stardesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sURL, "_blank", 0, NoArg())
oTargetSheet = oTargetDoc.getSheets.getByIndex(0)

REM You may want to clear the target range prior to pasting to it if it
REM contains data and formatting.
REM Move focus to cell 0,0.
REM This ensures the focus is on the "0,0" cell prior to pasting.
REM You could set this to any cell.
REM If you don't set the position, it will paste to the
REM position that was last in focus when the sheet was last open.
oTargetCell = oTargetSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0)

REM paste from the clipboard to your current location.
oTargetframe = oTargetDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
oDisp.executeDispatch(oTargetFrame, ".uno:Paste", "", 0, NoArg())

End Sub
